Year 1
Freshman (2024-2025)
I’m am Kaitlyn kelley otherwise known as Kk I danced when I was little but in 6th grade got my spark back. I worked as hard as I could I also developed a love of choir. I also took dance with Mrs Truett. I tried out for Pom but didn’t make it. I was absolutely crushed. I threw myself into dance coming back stronger than ever.I worked as hard as I could and eventually made Pom. My love of choir was dying and after I got on Pom I started working extra hard on dance. In the summer my dad had a stroke and I could barely attend classes. This crushed me and I lost the passion for dance still trying to go every week. I recently sparked my passion for dance. I am competing this past week and my passion for dance is still burning bright. I am honoring my upcoming solo to her and am very exited.